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Inglês para Tecnologia da Informação – valor mensal 🚀 para empresas.


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Video Tutorials


Course content


Linkedin Profile in English

Vagas e salários

Tradução do currículo em Inglês

Computer Users

Inglês para entrevista na area de tecnologia da informação

Podcasts na area de TI

Computer Architecture

Computer Applications


Interview Former Student

Operating Systems

Graphical user Interfaces

Applications Programs


Interview: Comuting Support Officer


The internet

The World Wide Web



Present Simple

Introduction to tenses in English

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Simple

Past Coninuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Future Simple

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous

Collocations in IT

Phrasal Verb in IT

Idioms in IT

What is the main problems IT professionals come across with users?

What is the most difficult matter for IT professionals?

Glossário Técnico em Inglês

Sobre o curso

What Will You Learn?

  • Computer Users;
  • Computer Architecture;
  • Computer Applications
  • Peripherals
  • Interview Former Student
  • Operating Systems
  • Graphical user Interfaces
  • Applications Programs
  • Multidedia
  • Interview: Computing Support Officer
  • Networks
  • The Internet
  • The World Wide Web
  • Websites

Materiais incluídos

  • Insights and guidance on topics that they may not be familiar with;
  • Textbooks, articles, videos;
  • Practice exercises and assignments;


  • Segurança da Informação;
  • Suporte técnico;
  • Programação;
  • Qualidade de Software;
  • Administração de Redes;
  • Programador mobile;
  • Administrador de banco de dados;
  • Especialista em Cloud Computing;
  • Chief Technology Officer;
  • Especialista em e-commerce


Prof. Albert Pinho de Oliveira
4.45 /5

12 Courses

✔️ Certificação Internacional CELTA, C2 Proficiency and passionate about CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning. ✔️  BA em Inglês e Pedagogia. ✔️ Residente na Inglaterra por 10 anos. ✔️ Professor…

Classificações e avaliações de alunos

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Materiais incluídos

  • Insights and guidance on topics that they may not be familiar with;
  • Textbooks, articles, videos;
  • Practice exercises and assignments;

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